Caring For Your Bands

Tips and suggestion for the use of Joe Rindfleisch’s Rainbow Rubber Bands

Here are some tips for the bands:

1. If you would like to perform any effects that require a bit\binding or you need more grip on the bands. First try rubbing them with a papper towel if they are still too slippery, simply run the bands over water and Paper towel dry. The bands will still stay strong and shiny but won’t be so slippery.

2. Don’t pre-stretch the bands. you’ll find they work better if they stretch on their own.

3. Bands that come straight out of the bag should be used for performance. Bands that have been used and need to be put away should be placed in a separate Ziploc bag to prevent the Elastraflex from drying out. Use this bag for practice.

4. If bands are drying out because they have been on your wrist for awhile, put a few drops of the Elastraflex and they are as good as new.

5. Wearing a black shirt is the best way to see the colorful bands. wearing strips or pattern shirts make the bands seem to disappear if you move too quickly.

6. Get into the habit of spot checking the bands or running them through your fingers looking\feeling for any tearing. If you do finish out your effect and retire the band. It is more likely the band will tear then snap (although this does happen but not as frequent).

7. Don’t be afraid to really stretch these bands out. It’s amazing what you can do with these bands.

8. If your hands get dry try rubbing the one hand over your wrist and then rub your other hand.

9. Keep the package of bands out direct sunlight or UV lighting.

10. Try to keep in a cool area.

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